TRIGER is bio-stimulant mixture with folic acid and enzymatic amino acids

TRIGER is a positive plant growth regulator and metabolic enhancers which when applied in small quantities enhance the growth and overall development of plants. TRIGER a stabilizing buffer which on application to plants helps them to sustain stresses more effectively and enhance crop yields both in quality and quantity. It also produces specific effects on the physiological processes of plants.

Triger alone or in combination with trace element mixture has been reported for the highest grain/seed yields in wheat, paddy and other cereal crops.

In case of fruits, Triger has been reported to enhance the photosynthetic activity and produce a significant increase in yield and size of apples .

Proved to increase in the cluster number and yield of grapevine.

In strawberries too, an increase in the berry weight and yield has been reported.

The residues of Triger were found to be < 0.05μ g/g at the time of harvest which are below MRL and thus it is considered as environmentally safe


100 ml/ 100 ltr of water for foliar application

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