Systemic fungicides for the control of leaf rust in coffee and beans

Mode of Action

a v e n g e belongs to the triazole group of ergosterol-biosynthesis inhibitors (EBI’s). It is taken up by the plant and distributed acropetally through the sap stream. It acts on the fungal pathogen during penetration and haustoria formation. a v e n g e stops the development of fungi by interfering with the biosynthesis of cell membranes. It has both preventive and strong curative activity.

Pathogen spectrum:

Coffee Hemileia vastatrix leaf rust
Beans Uromyces phaseoli bean rust

Recommendations for use:

Coffee: (leaf rust)

Spray at the first sign of infection (before 10% of the leaves are infected). Apply 250 mls in 500-800 lts of water/ha; or 10 mls in 20 litres to treat 45 to 50 coffee trees. If more than 10% of leaves are infected, apply 500 mls in 500-800 litres of water/ha; or 20 mls in 20 litres of water.

Please note: The coffee trees should have been properly pruned before the spraying season, in order to get a better spray penetration and cover.

Beans: (beans rust)

Apply 500 mls in 200-400 litres of water/ha; or 50 mls in 20 litres of water.

Spray at the first sign of disease appearance and repeat after 7 days.

Spraying Equipment

Avenge can be applied with conventional tractor boom sprayers, motorized knapsacks sprayers and knapsack sprayers. The equipment must be properly calibrated to provide thorough and even coverage of the whole plant, in particular also of the lower plant parts. Flush spray equipment thoroughly with plenty of clean water after use.

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