O V E R A L ™  a biofungicide based on a plant extract. The product proved as an antifungal against most of the fungus acting as prophylactic and curative in IPM disease management. The product with broad spectrum of its efficacy can be used for wide range of crops controlling fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. It offers preventative activity and early control of yield reducing diseases that result in increased marketable yield and better profit on every crop.

O V E R A L ™ can be used as a stand-alone product, in rotation with or in combination with other fungicides to strengthen IPM programs and to help manage resistance in a wide range of organic and conventional crops, as well as in turf and ornamentals. O V E R A L ™ improves the crop’s tolerance to stress by enhancing overall plant health.

O V E R A L ™ offers other ancillary benefits that include improved root growth and no development of phytotoxicity observed.

The product has been recommended for specialty crops and row crops such as cereal grains, cotton, forage, peanuts, sorghum and sugar beets.


O V E R A L ™ can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with other fungicide to enhance the IPM practice. The product additionally induces the Systemic Accrued Resistance (SAR) within the plant to be more tolerant to diseases.


Major Diseases Controlled

Tomato, Potato, Rice, Carrot, Cucurbits, Red Pepper, Okra, Papaya, Cotton, Fruits crops, Vegetables, Flowers, Strawberries, Potato, Grapes, Cocoa

Leaf Blight, Banana Leaf spot, Canker, Leaf Curl, Yellow Mosaic Virus, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Blast, Downy Mildew, Phytophthora

Uniqueness of  O V E R A L ™

  • Group F7 fungicide in FRAC list with unique mode of action
  • No resistance has been observed when used
  • Can be used as a stand-alone product or can be mixed with other chemical fungicide during IPM practices

Mode of Action

O V E R A L ™ biofungicide have a unique and complex mode of action, referred to Systemic Accrued Resistance (SAR), and carry a FRAC code of F7. ISR creates a defense response in the treated plants and stimulates additional biochemical pathways that strengthen the plant structure and act against the pathogen.

When applied to crops, O V E R A L ™ activate ISR and induce the plants to produce specialized proteins and other compounds—phytoalexins, cell strengtheners, antioxidants, phenolics, and PR proteins—which are known to inhibit fungal and bacterial diseases and also improve plant health and vigor.

O V E R A L ™ acts with a unique mode of action and some other unknown methods of disruption by lysis of spores and inhibition of growth of hyphae.


O V E R A L ™ is registered and approved for use in specialty crops, Vegetables, flower and row crops in many countries around the globe.

For enquire, write to us at info@navagro.com

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