Dishield™ provides protection against plant-parasitic nematodes that damage grape, vegetable, fruit and nut crops. Dishield™ protects the plant from nematode damage, allowing for healthy root development, efficient uptake of nutrients and water, optimum plant growth and sustainable economic yields.

Through its unique mode of action, Dishield™ consistently accomplishes this without having detrimental impact on the environment. All Dishield™ formulations have an excellent mammalian and non-target toxicity profile. Dishield™ is available in WP and Liquid formulation and are used to control nematodes on grapes, pineapples, nut crops, pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus, leafy vegetables Banana, Capsicum, Tomato, Brinjal, Onion, Chilli, Crossandra, Okra, Tuberose, Acid lime, Papaya, Tobacco and brassica crops

How Dishield™ Works.

  • Dishield's chemistry is based on the fermentation of a naturally occurring microorganism (Paecilomyces spp.).
  • The product prevents damage due to root-knot, cyst, lesion, stubby-root, citrus, burrowing, sting reniform , false root knot and other plant-parasitic nematodes by infection and assimilation of eggs of nematodes.
  • Applied thrice a year in permanent crops, Dishield™ improves plant vigor and quality, giving you added defense against all forms of plant damaging nematodes.


Seed treatment

10 gm per kg of seeds

Seedling rhizome treatment

100 g/ liter prior to planting

Soil application

2 – 5 kg/ acre along with any organic compost at an interval of 3 months after planting for a period of one year

Dishield™- liquid formulation could be used through drip irrigation.

Treat the seeds with Dishield™ WP at 10g/Kg of seed & treat the nursery beds at 50g/sq meter.

Soil Application: Apply Dishield™ WP 2- 5 Kg per acre as soil application with compost Farm yard manure (FYM). Dishield™ liquid formulation apply 250 ml per acre depending on the severity of disease.

For severe disease incidence, Dishield™ can be used for drenching soil at 1000 ml / Five kg per acre.

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